down is relative to up. you cannot go up (glass ceiling, you see...













there once was a man from nantucket who one day just had to say fuck it he wanted good luck but was hit by a truck and died of his injuries at the hospital









































lower baby, know where to go... (NOTE: although corrected immediately, a slip of the finger led to 'go' in the preceding sentence being spelled 'ho'. A bit too obvious)

































lower.... (it's like that really long fall in super mario world, isn't it?)
































is anyone actually reading this? just curious. it's not a self esteem issue, really...
























































still here? Bah! You must be bored or a friend (and if you're the latter, you're probably the former as well at this point...)
































this is so much easier than digging a real hole...










































I know this kind of scrolling thing went out of style around 1996 (it should have, anyway...) but it's a necessary evil (like taxes and politics)
























































































i keep the wolf at the door but he calls me up....





































































































have you sent that check or money order yet, by the way?



































































can i interest you in a pair of zircon encrusted tweezers?
















































































the fact that the vertical scrolling bar on the right always shows your progress and indicates where you are in relation to this entire page really takes the mystery out of all this. It's like a breadcrumbs in a barely haunted forest. Curse the pagedown button!
















































































































































































































































































































































there is nothing at the bottom                                                                                                                                                                                                       emergency exit
















here is the bottom....