NOT NEWS | ||||
Details If you have something to say to us, don't say it to our faces. Send an email to: feedback@abandonedstation.com (for an increased chance of response, try having a really unique and eye-catching blurb in the subject line. We react more positively to such creative endeavors...every few months). We do not have a facegram account or tweet or tok-tik. Anyone who does in our hallowed name are stinkin' charlatans, and should be dismissed with a quick click of the tongue! The only certified Abandoned Station content is here or on the links below.
https://www.wattpad.com/user/abandonedstation - this is our wattpad site. It has stories we don't have here, because life is chaotic. https://www.lulu.com/shop/search.ep?contributorId=1148965 - this is our lulu e-books website. you can buy our short stories and novels and stuff, and even buy 'em on stuff like ibooks and kindle from links on this page. so yeah. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClgo5wDTsmrgikCDkViu0tw?view_as=subscriber - this is our youtube video page full of radiator short films. We also make 'Mario Maker 2 levels, which can be accessed via that game's online component. Our IMaker D is 'doy 42', and here are some of the level names and IDs (we're always adding more, and the ones named after Radiohead songs are real shit-fits): Slopes and Spinies (J0W-6Q4-3VF), Knives Out (CC0-K8H-4TG), Packt Like Sardines (SRP-S5Q-2MF), Fake Plastic Trees (3V8-SLT-0XF), Pyramid Song (TRP-0K8-KMG), Karma Police (97W-93N-RJF).
Wi nOt trei a hOliday in Sweden thi yer? Mark Binelli can't drive stick! Ha! |