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Skits                         Screenplays                     Short Stories                 Poetry


Like the the large font says. It's some writings.


Short Stories

Mourning Point

Name of Names

Station Noise

Gate 29...A

The Girl With the Controls

Discord at the Unplanned Obsolesence Protest

All About Cream

Dog Days

Other People's Restaurant Conversations

Found in Translation

Living on the Takeout

Cheating in the Water

Ruminations on Power and Cheap Chicken

The Alarm Went off in December

There I Was a Doctor

Last Pants

The Sometimes Machine

A Lesson in Conversion

Inside the Orange Bear

Lost Between the Teeth

My Robot in the Cupboard

Hit the Plane Down

XD rest s

Rain Dance Circles

Slow Poison

Shatterproof Wedding


Hideous Monster Sauce

In a Snowy Valley

Names, Dates, Receipts

The Trio of Lovely Young Girls


Little Green Wizard

Burned Offerings

Double Conscious Reinforcement

The Desk's Return

Stacie's Coach Purse

Hidden Late Fees

The Wart

Killin' Time

Your Smoldering Now

The Light


Somewhere Between History and Memory

Five Simple Dollars

The Port in Tangier

The Talking Duck

Floor Story

My Dinner with Evil




The Slightly Rude Adventures of Diana the Moon Goddess and a Plastic Bag


Remember Me?

Jerry and the Tree

Movie Spotlight for 'Young Rump 6'

The Christmas Skit

Instruction Manual for The RG - 376 Instatel Adapter Brace

Just Scratching the Surface

The Doctor Was In

Two Skits About Doctors

A Halloween Skit

4 Animal Skits

4 Political Skits

A Decent Proposal with a Twist

4 Skits on Fascism

A Different Christmas Skit

Fuck Civilization



Some of these are samples... email us with 'screenplays' as your subject and a good reason for us to send you additional pages/info.


The Legend of Zelda - The Movie

Well, like the title says, it's...that. And the whole damn thing. Get comfortable.

Moving Day

A short film. Two guys try to move to a new apartment, but almost everything seems to go wrong. Christ, it sounds like a bad episode on a hack sitcom. We think it reads better than that, though...


The Very Worst Scam in the World

Four lovable losers try setting up a bank so they can eventually steal all the money deposited in the bank. By far the most commercial of the three, and yet we didn't feel like whores while writing it (this means it's either pretty good, or we're already accustomed to being whores). No real violence, no  real sex (but a love interest for the protagonist!), no drugs     (just drinking), and only mild cursing. And a happy ending to boot!


Teething Again

Four young men graduate from college and are thrust into the harsh world of sex, drugs, and unemployment. Is it possible to write a stoner comedy without a semen tasting gag? We've tried, lord, how we've tried...


The Wrong Floor

Some guy has a reason to go into an apartment building and it all starts to go wrong


Two People, One Sign

A self-explanatory exercise of sorts.


Coffee on the Tracks

A normal morning leads to an unsual interrogation.





Digital Poetry Book: Brief Tales of Compromised Solutions

Free Samples One

Free Samples Two


Brand Spankin' New Bits of Poetry

Brand Spankin' New Bits of Poetry, The Sequel!

Brand Spankin' New Bits of Poetry, Trilogy Edition!

Brandier, Spankier New Bits of Poetry!

20-ier, 14-ier, Spankier New Bits of Poetry!

Still that stinging spank of late summer 2014 new poetry!

Totality in Miniature (a long single piece thing)

It's never too late-ier in the year-ier for more poetry

Here's some Summer 2016 Poetry to get your mind off the news

Because the news has gotten worse since the post above, here's late 2016 Poetry-ness

Midsummer Mumblings, 2017-style

2017 ends with more Mumblings

Early 2020 Mumblings (it's been awhile)

Early 2023 Mumblings (it's been awhile again)

have you had your latest celebrity gossip fix? It's like sniffin' industrial solvents...