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Jerry and the Tree OR The Taking Tree
Jerry approaches the tree happily, carrying a watering can. There is person hiding behind it quite obviously (he is ‘Tree’). Jerry doesn’t notice.
Jerry (brightly) Hi, tree!
Tree Hello, Jerry.
Jerry Look what I brought!
Tree Hey, a watering can.
Jerry Guess what it’s full of!
Tree Water?
Jerry Yeah! You’re the smartest talking tree I know! (shaking the can) Want any?
Tree No, no. I’m fine
Jerry (concerned) Tree, what’s wrong? You sound disappointed.
Tree Oh…um…uh… my roots itch…
Jerry Oh no… can I do anything to help?
Tree Well, I could really use a twenty
Jerry (doubtful, but taking out his wallet) Again?
Tree It’s not cheap, being a nice tree and all.
Jerry (taking out a twenty dollar bill) Well, I guess. (short pause) Should I massage it into your roots?
Tree No, no. Just place it on the ground.
Jerry (placing it on the ground in front of the tree) Are you sure? Someone may steal it.
Tree Oh, don’t be silly, Jerry. Who would be so heartless as to steal from a tree?
Jerry (smiling brightly) Yeah, you’re right. (excited) Hey! Can I climb you?!
Tree Well-
Jerry Great! Thanks!
Jerry scrambles up the Tree.
Tree Hey, watch it!
Jerry (happily) Sorry!
Pause. Jerry still climbs.
Tree Ouch, you asshole!
Jerry Sorry, my foot slipped.
Tree If I had a face you’d have kicked me there.
Tree Say Jerry, do you like looking at the sun?
Jerry Do I!
Tree Why don’t you see how long can look at the sun before it stings?
Jerry Okay!
Jerry looks up. The person hiding behind the tree makes his way around and takes the twenty, putting it in his pocket. He goes back to where he was. Pause.
Jerry (bringing his head back down) Ow! (short pause, squinting) How long was that?
Tree Not bad, Jerry.
Jerry Hey tree, do you know what time it is?
Tree I’m a tree, Jerry. I have no notion of space and time.
Jerry Oh.
Jerry I’ve been reading up on trees, tree. Where do you keep your chlorophyll?
Tree Oh… wherever I can fit it.
Jerry I’m going to come down now, okay tree?
Tree Good idea, you’re getting kind of heavy.
Jerry climbs down. At one point he is dangling precariously, and the person helps him down.
Tree Here, I gotcha.
Jerry Thanks, tree.
Jerry goes to his usual side, still oblivious to the fact that there is a person on the other side of the tree.
Jerry Well, tree I have to go now.
Tree (guiltily) That’s fine, Jerry, I guess I’ll see…you…(sighs loudly) I’m sorry, I just can’t do this anymore.
Jerry (concerned) What is it, tree?
Tree Jerry, I have a confession to make.
Jerry (anxious) What is it?
Tree I’m not a tree. I’m a guy standing behind a tree, talking to you as if I was this maple here.
Jerry (disbelief) No…no… don’t be ridiculous…
Ron comes from around the tree.
Ron Sorry, Jerry. I’m Ron. This is just a regular tree. Can’t talk or anything.
Jerry But…all those times…
Ron Yeah… all those times…(pause, Ron takes out the money)…well, here’s your twenty.
Jerry (taking it, confused) Uh…thanks.
Pause. Ron leaves. Pause. Jerry looks around, kind of embarrassed. He pockets the twenty. Jerry leaves.
I eat paradoxes for breakfast and word jumbles for lunch | |||