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Holy Shit, it's...

Tarana Ding Dong... the Website!

Yes, yes it is. It's not much to look at, and we kinda like it that way. The ninety-fourth issue (or thereabouts) is now available in various, slightly popular places across the world (success!).

The content found within is un-hilariously wrong and profoundly awful. You have been warned, them's the breaks. This is the abandoned station, motherfuckers!


Below are the back issues. Enjoy or die!


The holiday Nov/Dec 2024 issue is jingling gloriously:

Here's the early crisp glory of the Sept/Oct 2024 issue:

The July/August 2024 issue has decent heapings of glory:

Time for hot spring glory with the May/June 2024 issue:

Late-winter glory is here with the March/April 2024 issue:

Let's crash into glory-laden pits with the Jan/Feb 2024 issue:

Mild winter can be glorious with the Nov/Dec 2023 issue:

Autumn glory is possible with the Sept/Oct 2023 issue:

Summer glory is strong in the July/August 2023 issue:


In terms of May/June 2023 issues, this is the glory you need:


For spring in your step glory, here's the Mar/Apr 2023 issue:


The Jan/Feb 2023 issue in its new, new, new year glory:

It's about snowflake-ish glory for the Nov/Dec 2022 issue:

Glory leaves are falling right onto this Sept/Oct 2022 issue:

Remember the summer glory memories with the July/Aug 2022 issue:


Stay cool with the hot glory of the May/June 2022 issue:

Don't worry, the 2022 March/April has your glory-like back:

 Start 2022 off with glory because this is the Jan/Feb issue:

End of year Nov/Dec 2021 issue with glory is ready:

Sept/Oct 2021 issue? Yes glory, it's right here:

It's time for the July/August 2021 issue of Delta glory apparently:



The way that hot spring glory hits, it must be the May/June 2021 issue:

Imagine a glory-laden March/April 2021 issue, because here it is:

A new year of 2021 glory starts with the January/February issue:

Just because glory is harder to come by in the cold (scientifically proven), you can still enjoy the Nov/Dec 2020 ish right here:


Don't let the glory of the Sept/Oct 2020 issue hit you on the way out:

A glory-ish reflection of the July/August 2020 issue:

Don't worry about the glory, it's still in the May/June 2020 issue:


The glory is wearing a face mask for the March/April 2020 issue:

t's top-shelf glory for the Janauary/February 2020 issue:

Here is the glory-laden Nov/Dec 2019 issue you've been hearing about:



Did you answer the call for Sept/Oct 2019 issue's order of glory:

The glory just can't be stopped in the July/August 2019 issue:

When it comes to glory, you could do a lot worse than May/June 2019:

March/April 2019 loves the glory like nothing else:

Jan/Feb 2019 is a new year of desperately-needed glory:

Nov/Dec 2018 is shivering, desperate glory:


Fall into the Sept/Oct 2018 glory:

Some hot summer July/August 2018 glory:

Bloom up some May/June 2018 glory:


Even rainy March/April 2018 issue has some glory:

Glory-likely issue is Jan/Feb 2018:

Nov/Dec 2017 is chock full o' xmas glory:

The Sept/Oct 2017 issue is the fiftieth glory-laden issue:

Glory in summer form, for the July/Aug 2017 issue:

May/June 2017 issue is glory-braised:

Springing for glory with the March/April 2017 issue:

Jan/Feb 2017 issue has no glory problems:

Glorious christmas came right on time (Nov/Dec 2016):

Glory for the fantastic fall follies (Sept/Oct 2016):

Hot as fuck summer glory (July/August 2016) is before you:

Late-spring glory (May/June 2016) is a sweat-free issue 42:

Glory means a little less at 41 (March/April 2016)? Nah:

Middle-aged glory, it's issue forty (Jan/Feb):

Thirty nine (Nov/Dec) is all about considering glory:

Thirty eight (Sept/Oct 2015) has hints of glory spilled throughout:

Thirty glory seven, the July/Aug 2015 issue:

Thirty six is gloriously 6 squared, which is the amount of pages in the May/June 2015 issue:

Thirty Five is right here, which is glory for March/April 2015:

Thirty four (Jan/Feb 2015) is a big pain in the glory:

Thirty three has all sorts of gloriful biblical references (Nov/Dec 2014):

Time for the Sept/Oct 2014 issue (32 for all those bean counters out there) to be glorily archived:

July/August 2014 (#31) is a callback to those Glory Days that the Boss sings about in that song...Streets of Fire:

May/June 2014 is issue thirty (and we're loving it because we've stopped looking in mirrors):

Twenty Nine (March/April 2014) and it's all about glory, glory, etc:

Twenty Eight (Jan/Feb 2014) in most of it's glory:

We won't claim that issue 27 (Nov/Dec 2013) is the greatest ever, so here it is:

26 has no significance whatsoever. Here is the issue associated with that void, empty number:

25th issue doesn't mean much to grizzled old 'net prospectors like us, but it's the July August one:

Wow, issue 24 (May/June 2013), which means four years. Glory and such:

There was some Jim Carey movie called 23. We never saw it. Here's March/April 2013, which is issue 23 (coincidence?):


They call this issue Number Twenty Two (Jan/Feb 2013), and they would be correct:

Twenty-First issue (Nov/Dec 2012), and all the drinking related jibes that comes with it:

Twentieth Issue (Sept/Oct 2012) because the third decade is the strongest:

Nineteenth Issue (July/August 2012) is ready for a nervous breakdown:

Eighteenth Issue (May/June 2012) is all grown up:

Seventeenth Issue (March/April 2012) is taking maybe for an answer:

Sixteenth Issue (Jan/Feb 2012) has a good feeling about this:

Fifteenth Issue (Nov/Dec) find lack of faith-ness disturbing:

Fourteenth Issue (Sept/Oct) lacks base-ness:

Thirteenth Issue (July/August 2011) is good luck:

Twelfth Issue (May/June 2011) is no fail, brah:

Eleventh issue (March/April 2011) here:

Ten is an overrated Pearl Jam Album, but Issue Ten (Jan/Feb 2011) is right here:

Number Nine Number Nine Number Nine...(Nov./Dec. 2010)

Eighth Issue (September/October 2010), with no glory reference:

Seventh Issue (July/August 2010) is a hell of a way to die (plus an 'l'):

Sixth Issue (May/June2010), glory, etc:

Fifth Issue (March/April 2010), all the glory, in 75% of the space:

Fourth Issue (Jan/Feb 2010), glory condensed:

Third Issue (Nov/Dec 2009), glory filled:

And here is the second issue (Sept/Oct 2009), in even better glory:


Here is the first issue (July/Aug 2009) in all its glory:




next time you want to think of something to be impressed about, think about the uniformity of shipping containers.